"Completely unexplainable success is far preferable to sophisticated reasons for failure"
~Reverend Zesty

Sunday, July 1, 2018

The Donald Trump Zoo

Carlos Wetback and his family look forward the the opening of the Trump Zoo
Washington DC - Today Donald Trump gave in to Liberal demands and is reuniting Mexican children with their criminal parents by creating the Donald J. Trump Zoo to immediately be built in El Paso, Texas.

"The people have spoken and I have listened." said Trump in a mid-morning press conference. "It is the goal of the United States to make these people feel as comfortable as possible and this zoo enclosure puts them back in their natural habitat."

The zoo will be called Borderland and will not only provide a haven for immigrant criminals to remain with their children, but will be entirely self sufficient through ticket sales to curious American citizens that has never seen one up close before, providing much needed employment opportunities and revenue for border towns previously devastated by the Mexican Invasion. "During the eight years of Obama, they swarmed like locust" said one area resident. "Within two years time Trump has Made America Great Again."

Construction will begin immediately and should be completed in time for the July 4th Independence Day celebrations.

Read more here:

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