"Completely unexplainable success is far preferable to sophisticated reasons for failure"
~Reverend Zesty

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

21st Century Slave Traders

I have never really been the type of person to fit in with societal norms. Nothing ever appealed to me about the born, schooled, military, shit out a couple of kids, work at a job they hate, retire and die modality. On the contrary, I normally make it my business to do the exact opposite.

Those that DO go with this type of lifestyle choice are traditionally the most miserable, hateful and frustrated people I have ever met. Do you think there could be some correlation between the choices they make and their miserable existence?

People are so caught up in making a living that they forget how to design a life.

It used to be, a long ass time ago, that people such as my grandparents immigrated to America chasing their dreams. America was once the land of opportunity (STILL is IMO) and EVERYONE had a specific skill they used to support their family. My one grandfather was a tailor and the other was a mason by trade. They both lived by the creed of "spend a nickel and save a dime" and worked their trade while the wives stayed home and raised the kids and took care of the house.

They survived being a one income family. It was a much simpler time. So what the fuck happened What happened was greed. The times they are a changin' as Bob Dylan sang.

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