"Completely unexplainable success is far preferable to sophisticated reasons for failure"
~Reverend Zesty

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Back When I Was A Kid

Back when I was a kid, growing up in the 60‘s, we played in the dirt and created our own entertainment. We didn’t need to spend hundreds of dollars on the latest video game or iPhone, we were quite happy with a ball or even a stick. We had real, flesh and blood friends that we laughed, cried and fought with and we had each others backs. We had dreams. We had hope for our future.

We were fucking INVINCIBLE!

Slowly reality changes our views of the world and as I age I find myself saying shit my parents said. Terms like “the good old days” and “when I was your age” creep into your vocabulary.

Now our bodies rebel against us, becoming vengeful for a youth of abuse with jumping off of things we shouldn’t have been jumping from and the daredevil prat falls  we used to take. Our body has learned to talk to us through a combination of aches, pains and noises it never used to make before 40 years of age. THAT seems to be the age when shit started going downhill, the age I discovered I could no longer read a Trivial Pursuit card without the use of a magnifying glass or bifocal lens.

Oh how the times have changed. Everything around us, things are going fucking looney tunes crazy and it just keeps getting worse and worse with every passing year. People are walking around carrying guns - like in the old west - just waiting for someone to cut them off in traffic or look at them funny...or maybe just be different so they can draw down on them, always ready for a good ole shoot-em-up.

What the fuck happened? Why the hell do people feel the need to carry a gun with them? In all the years of my life - and I have been in some touchy situations - I can never think of one time where looking back, having a gun would have helped.

Not once. EVER!

But I get how people are afraid right now. The world we live in has become a scarey and unpredictable place, I get that, but STILL I cant imagine EVER getting myself in a position to warrant gun play.

Even when I see a growing number of afraid, armed people walking around.

Leave your comments below but first, show your love and buy a coffee mug.

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