"Completely unexplainable success is far preferable to sophisticated reasons for failure"
~Reverend Zesty

Monday, March 9, 2015

Some Personal Observations

Its no secret we live in a backwards society filled with all kinds of different wonder. Really its a miracle more people dont just walk up to others and give them a firm shake to try and wake the up from whatever funk they put themselves in.

And this is why there are so many comedians out there. The world provides us with an endless stream of material. All one needs is a critical thinking mind, which is something that the educational system we have been indoctrinated in since birth has attempted to destroy.

There's a reason why most successful comics were horrible students and class clowns. We were bored to tears with the traditional teachings. We saw humor in watching the slower kids, the nose pickers and droolers, try to muddle through a paragraph when it was their turn to read aloud. We saw the world for the fucked up place that it truly is. We saw people as the disgusting creatures that we all are.

My first observation is on the incredibly amount of stupid people living in the world today.
Borderline knuckle draggers amazing me that they can actually survive without bumping their heads on everything. More evidence of this is usually pronounced abound any given election. Oh if you just pull yourself out of the equation and just look at all the ants at war with each other.

The candidates that run for office are bad enough but the voters...THIS is where the fun is at. The arguments. The insults. The outright lies. The bullshit. It's all very entertaining and would be even funnier if the results of these elections weren't so destructive on our society and the world in which we live. Political hyperbole is also peppered with religious insanity giving the entire voting process a one-two punch that leaves us all scratching our heads when its all done.

But in all fairness we are not COMPLETELY dumb as a society. We do have our thinkers. Our scientists. Our entrepreneurs. I think what's funny is, is that we live in a world that gives us Neil deGrasse Tyson and Honey Boo Boo and a petri dish of everything in between.

I try my damndest to step away fro political and religion-speak but its so frustrating and difficult at times. I am by no means the brightest bulb on the bush so when I see someone dumber than me, I just have to shake my head and pity the poor bastards. I run into this a LOT on Facebook - the breeding ground for stupidity.

Oh the bullshit we see. The falseness. The loneliness. There are a LOT of pathetic people out there folks and the scary thing is that they all have an opinion. Apparently their opinions are the only correct ones and that everyone else is wrong and just a bunch of dumb old poopy pants people that are destroying their world.

Leave your stupid comments below but support the show by checking out the sponsor below.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

The Intellectual Coitus Deal of the Day!

Hey Rev Heads, getting crazy and talking shit is all fun and games but we're also about paying the bills. The way I do it is by services that I have found that make sense and can help a persons business and quality of life. This is one such product for those of you that have big ticket items that you sell that require financing. I present to you the "No Credit Needed Payment Program"

This is for that time when your customer faces a financial predicament where stretching the payments out over a 3, 6, or 12 month period becomes the key to solving your customer's concerns (for example: a pet becomes hurt or ill, or a costly dental procedure is not covered by insurance, or an unexpected car repair becomes necessary, or a home emergency or improvement occurs or the customer in the furniture store is having trouble making up his mind whereas purchasing that crucial extra item because they think they can't afford it).

Now, with our 3, 6, or 12 month payment plan, your customer does not have to worry about an unexpected financial emergency or the additional amount of money to purchase something extra.

How would you like to sell an extra tire? Perform a much needed repair or service? Or sell an extra piece of matching furniture?

Forget layaway which makes you wait for your money and the customers wait for their product. We are an immediate gratification society, we want our product and we want it NOW! You can offer a Bad Credit/No Credit finance option to your customers and get your money UP FRONT! Give financing to your customers that would allow them to split the purchase of your product or service into small monthly payments. We can do this without the lengthy and arduous process of applying for credit or other financing programs.

Our 3, 6, or 12 month "Payday Express Plus" with "ADVANCE FUNDING" has become the single most exciting and fastest growing service that we have had the pleasure to roll out! Never before has a check-based financing program offered you the opportunity to be paid UP FRONT!

Plus, as always, we provide FULL GUARANTEE!

We are thoroughly convinced that Retail Payday Express Plus will generate more sales for you!

With this option you are funded 100% of the monies IN ADVANCE! Your customers will have their accounts debited over the 3, 6, or 12 month period while you get ALL OF THE MONEY within 3 days after the "batch" is closed!

* Only a single check is written, the remainder of the payments will be electronically ACH debited from the customer's account based on the term selected

For more information on how you and your business can start this program TODAY, contact me NOW at:
This offer is valid within the continental United States and I have clients nationally that LOVE me for hooking them up with this phenomenal program.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Revitalize Your Credit - 700+ Credit Score GUARANTEED!

Traditional credit repair is dead!

Its old fashioned, outdated, antiquated, obsolete, moth eaten and ineffective.

It flat out does NOT work anymore.

We have developed a new, better, updated and high-tech method that has been proven to scrub even the worst credit report clean in as little as a matter of weeks.

Late payments?  Gone!

Bankruptcies? Gone!

Repos? Gone!

Judgments? Gone!

We then have the ability to enhance your credit with our RevitaLines program, to get your credit score to as high as a 750-800+ giving you the financial ability to do virtually anything you like.

Get those credit cards!

Get that car of your dreams!

Buy your Dream house!

We have the ability to achieve all of this for you, and more, with our own revolutionary and proprietary method called Credit Revitalize™ and it really works.

Call the number on your screen for a FREE NO OBLIGATION consultation and see what we can do for you

We don’t rely on any third parties to produce results for you which allows us to keep our prices lower than anyone in the industry.

In fact, we have virtually zero competition as we know that nobody else in the industry is doing exactly what we are doing… because we created it.

Call the number on your screen NOW or follow the link for further information.

Revitalize your credit today!

Call 1-888-866-0065 NOW!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Winter Sucks

Winter is my least favorite of the seasons. Sure it gives us the holidays and when snow first falls it looks pretty unless you are stuck out in it somewhere, but even so, the holidays bring with them over commercialization and the dreaded insanity of black Friday deals and the snow, after it remains on the ground for a while turns into a dirty, icy, sloppy mess.

And now it is March. We are now in the last grips of winter and Spring is right around the corner bringing with it a fresh set of challenges. Things like (for me) putting together my outdoor space. Grill area, sitting and dining area, must think of music AND how and if I plan on planting a garden this year. OH and the bugs. I HATE fucking flies, gnats and other annoying creatures so I see me going to war with them soon enough.

I must say that winter in The Ozarks, although mild by Chicago standards, suck because no one here does a damn thing when the snow falls. Im not just talking about sidewalks, Im talking about streets. Ice and packed down driven over snow that the town just says "fuck it" to. But all in all I will gladly take winters down here as opposed to the shit storm up north I dealt with for so many years.

So we are looking at Springtime coming. The rebirth of things, when trees come back to life and the critters do their "dance of love."

But there are folks that are not as well off as I find myself. My mother-in-law lives in Boston and I dont think that shit's going to melt much before June.

So stay warm knowing that better days are ahead and we made it thorugh yet ANOTHER winter.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Marijuana and Me - A Love Story

Can someone please tell me how this is even a topic of discussion still.  A law born of racism, marijuana prohibition has been the destroyer of lives since its inception in the 30 bringing us the wonderful folks of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and their poster boy Harry J. Anslinger.

Prohibition of a plant.

What is it about this innocent enough looking and rather pretty flower scares so many lawmakers? Its rather obvious that marijuana consumption is nothing new and I would venture to conservatively guess that 3 out of 5 people in America actively smoke marijuana or at least used to and could give a fuck about who smokes it now.

So what’s the problem?

How could anyone reasonably put this in the same classification as heroin, cocaine and meth? I’m thinking that someone’s not doing their homework. I’m think that if a government is elected by the people and for the people yet fail to provide the public what they want, well, some people need to be replaced by people that will.

I have seen great strides in recent years, surely making more progress than I thought I would see in my lifetime, but it needs to happen faster for me. After all, I sure as hell am not getting younger with each tick of the clock and I would like to enjoy it without the added benefit of diapers and dementia.

And I hear what you’re screaming, relax I’m not deaf, I KNOW there are some states I can go to where it IS legal and I have seriously been looking at Colorado. If I’m gonna pull the trigger on THAT one, Reverend Zesty needs to start having some pay days. It seems freedom isnt really free.

It’s hard for the public to take seriously a law that says marijuana and heroin have exactly the same “high potential for abuse,” since that ignores the vastly more addictive power of narcotics, which have destroyed the lives of millions of people around the world.

So I will continue to be a criminal in the eye's of law enforcement, even though they seem to have issues of their own as evidenced by this video.

Cop rolls a kid for a quarter, goes home and makes pot brownies and freaks the fuck out because he ate too many of them. Fuckin' rookie. PROVING that people even in revenue - I mean LAW enforcement have no clue what marijuana is, does and how it works. EDUCATE yourselves. END MARIJUANA PROHIBITION NOW!


Speaking of the police...In light of events that continue across America regarding unarmed citizens being murdered by trigger happy cops, I have been offering a book that I wrote a few years back called: "To Serve and Protect? - MY ASS!" Im offering it up FREE of charge to all my Rev Heads. STAY SAFE folks. BE SMART!

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