"Completely unexplainable success is far preferable to sophisticated reasons for failure"
~Reverend Zesty

Monday, March 9, 2015

Some Personal Observations

Its no secret we live in a backwards society filled with all kinds of different wonder. Really its a miracle more people dont just walk up to others and give them a firm shake to try and wake the up from whatever funk they put themselves in.

And this is why there are so many comedians out there. The world provides us with an endless stream of material. All one needs is a critical thinking mind, which is something that the educational system we have been indoctrinated in since birth has attempted to destroy.

There's a reason why most successful comics were horrible students and class clowns. We were bored to tears with the traditional teachings. We saw humor in watching the slower kids, the nose pickers and droolers, try to muddle through a paragraph when it was their turn to read aloud. We saw the world for the fucked up place that it truly is. We saw people as the disgusting creatures that we all are.

My first observation is on the incredibly amount of stupid people living in the world today.
Borderline knuckle draggers amazing me that they can actually survive without bumping their heads on everything. More evidence of this is usually pronounced abound any given election. Oh if you just pull yourself out of the equation and just look at all the ants at war with each other.

The candidates that run for office are bad enough but the voters...THIS is where the fun is at. The arguments. The insults. The outright lies. The bullshit. It's all very entertaining and would be even funnier if the results of these elections weren't so destructive on our society and the world in which we live. Political hyperbole is also peppered with religious insanity giving the entire voting process a one-two punch that leaves us all scratching our heads when its all done.

But in all fairness we are not COMPLETELY dumb as a society. We do have our thinkers. Our scientists. Our entrepreneurs. I think what's funny is, is that we live in a world that gives us Neil deGrasse Tyson and Honey Boo Boo and a petri dish of everything in between.

I try my damndest to step away fro political and religion-speak but its so frustrating and difficult at times. I am by no means the brightest bulb on the bush so when I see someone dumber than me, I just have to shake my head and pity the poor bastards. I run into this a LOT on Facebook - the breeding ground for stupidity.

Oh the bullshit we see. The falseness. The loneliness. There are a LOT of pathetic people out there folks and the scary thing is that they all have an opinion. Apparently their opinions are the only correct ones and that everyone else is wrong and just a bunch of dumb old poopy pants people that are destroying their world.

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