"Completely unexplainable success is far preferable to sophisticated reasons for failure"
~Reverend Zesty

Sunday, July 1, 2018

The Donald Trump Zoo

Carlos Wetback and his family look forward the the opening of the Trump Zoo
Washington DC - Today Donald Trump gave in to Liberal demands and is reuniting Mexican children with their criminal parents by creating the Donald J. Trump Zoo to immediately be built in El Paso, Texas.

"The people have spoken and I have listened." said Trump in a mid-morning press conference. "It is the goal of the United States to make these people feel as comfortable as possible and this zoo enclosure puts them back in their natural habitat."

The zoo will be called Borderland and will not only provide a haven for immigrant criminals to remain with their children, but will be entirely self sufficient through ticket sales to curious American citizens that has never seen one up close before, providing much needed employment opportunities and revenue for border towns previously devastated by the Mexican Invasion. "During the eight years of Obama, they swarmed like locust" said one area resident. "Within two years time Trump has Made America Great Again."

Construction will begin immediately and should be completed in time for the July 4th Independence Day celebrations.

Read more here:

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Trump Cures Cancer!

BREAKING NEWS out of Washington today as President Trump scores yet another accomplishment by discovering the cure for all forms and types of cancer.

Scientists at the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, AZ. say that it was the Presidents outstanding control of  healthcare in America and abolishing a disastrous Obamacare that provided the push that research needed to find the cure. A collective round of applause was heard all over the world with this life-saving discovery.

Democrats could not bear this tremendous, humanitarian news and have taken to the streets in efforts to "Save the Melanoma."


Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Programming on The Erb

The Erb is an ever evolving entity and what you hear today can be entirely different from the programming you will hear a month from now. I will interject more of my own podcasts as well as the work of others that I find worthy.

The genres I will be featuring are comedy, paranormal, wrestling, crimes and punishment and personal achievement. I am revamping old shows and characters that I developed such as The Debtonator and Fed Up American and I will also be developing new content with Reverend Zesty.

The latest original creations are two daily shows. The first is Morning Motivation which can be heard at 7AM CST. The show features the likes of Tony Robbins and others. (Tony is my favorite. Can you tell?) The second show is titled Marijuana Happy Hour and it can aptly be heard at 4:20 every afternoon.

Other shows include Beyond Reality Radio with Jason Hawes of Ghosthunters, The Sarcastic Seniors, The Married Man Show, The Joe Rogan Experience and The Stone Cold Podcast. This week Steve interviews Lucha Underground superstar Vampiro! DO NOT miss this episode.

I'm always looking to meet the needs of my audience and if you have any programming suggestions, drop me an email at themightyerb@gmail.com and I'll do my best to meet your needs. (Cash donations can speed the process up a bit)

We're also going to be shooting some video and I will let you know more about that in a later post.

Be sure to show your love and support for Intellectual Coitus content by visiting The Marketplace located here.

Until next time!!!


Sunday, March 4, 2018

The Time Is Now

Intellectual Coitus has finally taken a direction and what was been simmering in my cranium for the last several years.

The Erb Broadcast, still in its infancy, held a steady and respectable number and listeners during it first weeks, without really much promotion other than on Facebook. I used the time to form a pretty solid foundation to build from. Setting up the studio for audio and video cost a few bucks but I made wise purchases and kept my start up costs low. I could have even just started with what I already had, considering that most of the content sucks in the beginning anyway, but I wanted some quality in the product. Nothing worse than the best joke or tidbit of information that is difficult to see or hear, right?

But I think the real reason I invested in this project financially is to have a pound of flesh in the game. I did it to change my mindset ever so slightly. You see, I want to make that money back. And then some!

So here we are.

Allow me to paint a picture of my vision for you to better understand what the fuck Intellectual Coitus is all about.

Intellectual Coitus is a multi-platform website that explores the musings and personalities of Dave Capra - America's Best Freelance Writer, under the character umbrella of Reverend Zesty, an Atheist
Minister with a sharp tongue and rapier wit.

The content is available through blogs, podcasts and videos, on the Intellectual Coitus website and promoted across the internet, developing an ever increasing audience that gets the benefits of great entertainment, with topics including but not limited to, comedy, self help, paranormal, professional wrestling, entrepreneurship and more comedy!

Yes, I want to get people laughing again. Stop the nonsense and hate. Lighten the fuck up already and laugh. At yourself, at others, ANY topic is fair game. Sorry but I happen to find life funny. I see humor in all of it.

And this will come through in the content produced by Intellectual Coitus.

Intellectual Coitus is an ever evolving and developing entity. Always looking to make our audience experience better and better with each show.

So come along. Like and comment on this post. Follow us on social media.


Help us grow. Let's do our part to bring back the good time.