"Completely unexplainable success is far preferable to sophisticated reasons for failure"
~Reverend Zesty

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Oujia Boards

Its no secret I think the world’s religions are a bane on mankind and in a perfect world they would be abolished. The death and destruction caused under the name of their chosen deity has been insurmountable in comparison to any other plague to grace our planet.

But there is one crazy ass belief that stands out head and shoulders among the rest of their nonsense and that is their fear of a toy. The Ouija board. This game has them scurrying around blessing themselves and driving them to their knees in desperate prayers.

For me, it just makes the game that much more fun. 

It baffles me how someone could place so much credence on a piece of cardboard and a hunk of plastic, but then I think about how they can see a tortured man - beaten, bloody and nailed to a stick, hanging until he died - as a vision depicting love. 

These crazy fuckers actually believe that this toy from Hasbro "opens portals" and "summons demons" and other goofy shit. Is there no end to this superstitious, gullible, credulous, looney tunes, bat shit crazy bullshit? These people are living proof that we have not evolved much from primitive man. The problem lies in the unfortunate fact that these morons can breed, further poisoning their lineage with their insanity. 

You might ask; "well whats the problem with letting them believe what they want?' and I can only answer that one way. 

Because it is destroying the world. I tend to base my beliefs on things factual and the facts are abundantly clear how dangerous religious beliefs can be. Some of history's most infamous believers in God include George Bush and Adolf Hitler (Christian), Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi (Islam) Ariel Sharon and Benjamin Nethanyahu (Judaism)

But dont you dare go feeling left out Atheists, we have Benito Mussolini  and Slobodan Milosevic. 

But having a life, free from the spiritual bondage of religion, I have discovered a thirst for knowledge. REAL things. I have discovered a new found love for education. This is quite different in the life of the believer who only desires to believe Satan communicates to us through rock music and that some toys are actually keys to the gates of hell.

In Bob Dylan's song "With God On Our Side" I think he sums it up quite well.
The confusion I'm feelin'
Ain't no tongue can tell
The words fill my head
And fall to the floor
If God's on our side
He'll stop the next war.
 Feel free to leave your comments below.

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