"Completely unexplainable success is far preferable to sophisticated reasons for failure"
~Reverend Zesty

Sunday, January 11, 2015


I take tragedy - like the shootings last week in Paris for example - and make tasteless jokes. I do this as a way of coping because if I cant find something insane and absurd in a situation that in and of itself is insane and absurd, I would go nuts. Im not just talking fun nuts Im referring to the type of nuts that would turn into a burning hatred for not just the batshit crazy fucking maniacs that perpetrated these violent acts but everyone that resembles them.

It seems that every time you turn around some crazy motherfucker is on some insane rampage of some sort and innocent people die. Some people that were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. So it would be irrational to believe that a certain type of person deserves my hatred, my wrath, my madness, my rage, my displeasure, my indignation, my ire, my resentment or my vengeance. This heinous act was performed by a group of extremists that in the grand scheme of things dont add up to much of nothing. This kind of shit goes on every day by assorted whack-a-loons all over this planet.

And the one common denominator that ties them all together?

Religion. Religion and their preposterous, ridiculous, demented and foolishly crazy religious beliefs.

People fucking died that day - people that got up and started their day as we all have, as we do every day - over a cartoon. Families are devastated and broken. Widows were made that day. Children lost parents. They have bit the big one, taking a long dirt nap, they have cashed in their chips, they bought the farm, their lives have come to a sticky end. They have kicked the bucket and are pushing up daisies. Their number has come up and they have retire to that big comicon in the sky.

All over a fucking cartoon.

All because of their distorted belief in god. This is nothing new though. Religion has been killing people for centuries and its not just the Muslims, all religions have their tales of their mad hatter followers. Even christianity with their charlatan televangelists and kiddie fiddler priests. But as I stated before, these are acts of the extreme.

This is one reason why I became a minister. You see I HAVE studied religion, god and the various worlds religions. They all somewhat give the message of peace and love and thats a good thing right - who can bitch about peace and love? But its the crazier than a shit house rat things that come along with the peace and love message that fuck the whole concept up. Its the Charles Manson shit that gets people to go “wellllllllll, you almost had me for a second.... but this shits just too fucked up, Im outa here”

When the fuck are we going to wake up? IF we were truly put here by some benevolent creator and IF we truly believe we have been made in His holy image then explain to me why we are so fucked up as people? Is god REALLY an insecure, whiney crybaby that throws temper tantrums when he doesnt get his way? Because we are. Have you ever had a religious discussion between faiths? HOLY FUCK if one was to challenge anothers religious beliefs, shit would hit the sanctified fucking fan.

As the nations only practicing agnostic preacher, I find the message from religion to be FAR from being godlike. The archaic man made rituals, the blatant hypocrisy, the judgementalness, the attempted control over one another - a supreme being cannot be satisfied if WE are the result of his work.

Im reminded of a story of a preacher who fell in the ocean and he couldn't swim. When a boat came by, the captain yelled, "Do you need help, sir?" The preacher calmly said "No, God will save me." A little later, another boat came by and a fisherman asked, "Hey, do you need help?" The preacher replied again, "No God will save me." Eventually the preacher drowned & went to heaven. The preacher asked God, "Why didn't you save me?" God replied, "Dumbass, I sent you two fucking boats!"

So someone draws a cartoon that depicts the prophet Muhammed as being a pedophile. So fucking what. He WAS one. Everyone was back then. They were animals and surely not scholars of the time. They were superstitious peasants. Is this a reason to kill a mother fucker?
Kona Coffee

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