"Completely unexplainable success is far preferable to sophisticated reasons for failure"
~Reverend Zesty

Friday, January 2, 2015

Flu Shots

Have you all had your flu shots yet this year?

I always question the sanity behind this and a recent story out of my town Springfield, MO., kinda backs up my opinion about them.

The story that was on my local news stated that the flu is at epidemic proportions and that ER's are seeing 3 times as many patients complaining of flu symptoms as last year and that over 50% of patients treated have had a flu shot.

I might sound old fashioned here but if I'm going to take preventive medicine for an ailment I DONT WANT TO BE STRICKEN WITH SAID AILMENT! This bit of information tells me that either the flu shots are shit and not effective or that getting the flu shot actually caused patients to get the flu. Either way I would be demanding a refund.

The media is of no help. They are the ones telling people they must get their flu shots and that if you dont you are running the risk of death. People are just eating the shit that is being fed to them. For some reason people apparently have lost the ability to think for themselves.

The government is in on the action too as evidenced by the disgusting video above. When did people start freaking out over getting a case of the sniffles? Personally, I would be fucking embarrassed to go into an emergency room for this, when the guy they brought in by ambulance in the next bay just had a heart attack.

But if you want to get sick, sure as shit, the best place to pick up a bug IS the ER. Oh yeah, I have seen some shit going on in emergency rooms. The people cleaning up after patient discharge are not the standard bearers of cleanliness and they do a lackluster job at best.

So WHY subject yourself to this? Why expose yourself to sickness and disease?

Because you were told to by your favorite friendly media douche bag.

Here's a novel idea for you. Try eating healthier. Americans have the single worst dietary habits and are personally responsible for the condition of their health. I am guilty of this myself. So while you are making resolutions for 2015 add EAT HEALTHY to the list of things you have no intention of doing.

Hold yourself accountable


  1. The flu shot is developed for a certain strain and then another strain comes along.

    1. I was never seeing the need for flu shots. I can eat right and get a far more desirable result
