"Completely unexplainable success is far preferable to sophisticated reasons for failure"
~Reverend Zesty

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Reverend Zesty On Secular TV

I am pleased to announce the partnership of Reverend Zesty and Secular TV!

In February, Reverend Zesty will be hosting a web based weekly show. At this point the voices in my head are still working up the creatives so STAY TUNED and help us grow.

This has come together wonderfully. The blog, the podcast, the magazine and now a weekly video show. You might ask "why" i'm doing all this. What's in it for me? Well, follow this train of thought...

I have seen some crazy shit on the internet and I have seen people take their projects to a level where it is their job. They figure out a way to make some money with it and start gaining popularity taking their cause or "schtick" to an even HIGHER level.

And if you can follow that, we are on the same page. So come with me. Join me on this journey. When we land - wherever that might be - then you can say "you knew me when..."

But don't fret. Fame and fortune will not change who I am. Sure I might drive a new car and live in a castle and request people call me King BUT I will ALWAYS remember the little guy I step on to get to the top.

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