"Completely unexplainable success is far preferable to sophisticated reasons for failure"
~Reverend Zesty

Monday, January 12, 2015

The Provenance Project

Intellectual Coitus is the product of my wants. My want to draw attention to myself. My want to vent. My want to be silly. My want to entertain and to make people laugh.

My wants pale in comparison to the wants of some others though. Some people "want" a roof over their heads, a safe place to sleep and the want for a helping hand. Sometimes a helping hand is what is needed to make a difference in peoples lives.

But where does one go for such help? Communities across America have programs and assistance available to those in need. The problem is that these programs are not advertised, promoted or even talked about, so people are being left to their own druthers (whatever the fuck a druther is)

Enter The Provenance Project.

It is my thought that there should be a directory of resources available to give folks that helping hand. From the local level all the way up to federal programs, be it for homeless prevention, medical issues, feeding the hungry or other social programs for the emergency person or debt assistance, personal finances or just personal guidance - there are programs and strategies available that can give people a step up from their current life situations.

I am also developing "The Compass Program" to give people some direction for their lives. Goal setting, budgeting, personal development and one on one mentoring are just some of the things that will be made available.

It doesn't matter what your position currently is. What matters most is your destination. I want to help you reach it. It's been said that to achieve ones goals, dreams and desires, help someone achieve theirs and that is my philosophy for 2015 (and beyond)

Intellectual Coitus and Reverend Zesty will be the way I will gain exposure for these endeavors.

But an undertaking of this magnitude requires some assistance itself. I need YOUR help. What I'm looking for is resources that you know of in your community. I want to publish as many means as I can locate. I also need you to help me promote Intellectual Coitus by telling your friends and family about it. Word of mouth or the 21st century "word of mouse" is a great way to get the exposure I am looking for.

Also, if you can help support the show by buying a t-shirt or any merchandise at my online store it would be greatly appreciated. The couple of bucks I make from the proceeds go a long way.

For more information on The Provenance Project or to send me some resources, my email address is revzesty@gmail.com

My goal is to do my part in helping improve our world, one person at a time.

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