"Completely unexplainable success is far preferable to sophisticated reasons for failure"
~Reverend Zesty

Friday, January 30, 2015

A Public Service Announcement

 Basically this means to just for the person to stop everything he/she is doing and find the nearest gun, point it under their chin and pull the trigger. That way they will no longer bother you and you can get some peace and quiet without their pure bullshit spewing from their mouths. If one continues you to harass you after you say this, you legally have the right to make them discover what your fist tastes like. They cannot sue you for any reason.

Latin origins of GO Fuck yourself: goeth fucketh yourselfus 

Jerkass Clothing Co.

Thursday, January 29, 2015


Pictures of food in various stages of digestion, pot smoking, being drunk, failed attempts at being sexy and your idiot moron children. These are a few of the things that greet me every god damn morning when I flip on my computer.

Not only that I am assaulted by posts that people just had to share about how good their God is for giving them another day of life. I wonder how people that didn't feel about your God. Why does He like YOU better that the recently dearly departed?

Oh and don't get me started on all the political shit. Two sides pointing fingers at the other, pretty much hurling the same garbage at each other that they been slinging since the 18th century. These political junkies NEVER grow or evolve or progress because they are retarded by their prejudice and bigotry of the other side.

Then there are the home based biz op's that are everywhere. Everyone has the greatest "deal" to grace the planet where you can retire in a week with a million dollar residual monthly income without ever working and from the comfort of your pajamas.

But I don't mind pictures of your dogs though. Those are okay. Unless you are one of those sick PETA animal abuse fuckers that have countless pictures of bruised, broken and beaten dogs. Then you can just keep that shit to yourself.

Its also okay if I am the one posting the things that I despise. Things like what I ate or my political and religious opinions. Since I am the one that has all the answers, it is only my opinion that matters. The sooner you realize that its all about me and that I'm right and you're always wrong, the less stress you will feel when I call you out publicly to ridicule your opinion.

And by the way, quit making a fool of yourself by threatening to beat me up or hunt me down and kill me. We all know its nothing but a meaningless, useless, empty and childlike tantrum threat that only serves to make you look like a complete retard.

Just know that just because we are Facebook friends, that doesn't mean that we have to agree on every aspect of life. You have your ideals and so do I as do the rest of the world. You are going to encounter someone that does not share your zest and zeal on certain issues. Quit being a self righteous dick sniffer and know that I just don't care.

Leave any comments and have a damn beer!

Beer Tubes

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Palin 2016

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Pull Up Your Britches

Coming down to The Ozarks after living in Chicago for so long was a bit of a culture shock in meeting a few of the folks down here. As in Chicago, we have our fair share of crazy but its more of a fun crazy here.

Most noticeable is the way these rednecks talk down here. (I use the term redneck with the utmost respect) The dialect. The slowness. The phrases. I told Sue that the first time I say "y'all" she has my permission to hit me....HARD...with a fucking hammer.

I was in a Walmart (Im embarrassed to admit but there are 11 of the fuckers in this town) and a sales clerk in the electronics section said this to me.
"Iffin youd be more spific bout what you be askin I might be able to help youins out"
It was like my computer after a power surge. My brain just stopped for a split second and it took a while for the lights to come back on. I asked him to repeat himself a few times, feigning a mild stroke so he wouldn't think I was making fun of him which I was no doubt going to do for the remainder of the day.

I went out for a quick lunch at (appropriately) The Waffle House where I guess they were short staffed on servers that day where a waitress said to me:
"I'll be over yonder dreckly, y'all just hafta wait a minute"
I had to ask one of the locals to translate for me what the fuck she just said only to hear him say:
 "They're busier than a cat burying a shit today and that she was movin' quick for a woman sportin an ass two axe handles wide"
I just stood there in stunned silence, feeling a bit of drool sliding down my chin, with a glassy, vacant stare. I was shaken from my catatonic state by another concerned patron saying that I looked like "I was wound tighter thana banjo string" THATS when I decided it was time to go. Nothing good can come from a redneck thinking about a banjo.

I was "sweatin' like a whore in church" until I realized these were my people now. My friends. My neighbors. My townies. Even though I was looked at as being an outsider because I wasn't anyone's cousin, I was told I ALWAYS had an open invite to tag along when Snipe season opens next week.

And what sez being thankful more than attending a fest where live turkeys are dropped from an airplane circling overhead?

Leave me your comments below and be sure to check out The Beer Machine!

Brew Master

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Are You Ready For Some Football

It's been a rather quiet Superbowl week compared to years past. Used to be that we would see teases of the advertising and there would be hype about half-time entertainment but all that, the once great pomp and circumstances, is suspiciously silent this year.

Those paying the high ad dollars this year are Wix.com, Snickers, Skittles, McDonalds, Dove and Dorito's. Katy Perry (WHO?) is the half-time performer. >yawn<

But I think there is also going to be a football game being played as well. Seahawks and Patriots lock horns with Tom Brady trying to keep The Hawks from repeating. Should be a pretty good game despite the lackluster commercials and half-time show.

It seems this year what seems to be dominating the news stories revolves around The Patriots and their under inflated balls.

So if I was a betting man I would pick Seattle in what I see (and hope) to be a great game.

ESPN's Take On Superbowl

Banned Ad for 2015

Leave your message and check out the NEW WAY TO DRINK BEER!

Beer Tubes

Sunday, January 25, 2015

My Brain Hurts

I just read an article saying that over 80 million people in America believe that God will decide who wins The Superbowl. I swear just when I start having just a wee bit of faith in my fellow primates I see shit like this.

My head hurts.

A few days ago I read another story. One equally as ridiculous but this one featured a man and his family that missed their flight only to learn that that flight hd crashed killing everyone on board. You know, a real feel good story. This man proceeded to thank his God proclaiming what a loving God He was.

I was left wondering what those that perished would have thought of that statement.

Doing research for the upcoming podcast and video I was entertained by snake handlers, lunatics in spirit and goofy ass preachers, so mr brain is about to ooze out of my left ear. Maybe I'll try watching some television. Maybe not.

It's almost as if I have a "stupid" magnet where it just seems wherever I go the stupid people follow me like The Pied Pipers mice. I think maybe I should become a Republican, but that would only be for laughs.

So I need to start recharging the ole batteries and start pumping in some educational, motivational and positive things to entertain me. As luck would have it The Royal Rumble is on tonight. What better way to get back on track than some WWE.

So check out my podcast, Intellectual Coitus by hitting the banner below. Leave me a comment.

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Saturday, January 24, 2015

Oujia Boards

Its no secret I think the world’s religions are a bane on mankind and in a perfect world they would be abolished. The death and destruction caused under the name of their chosen deity has been insurmountable in comparison to any other plague to grace our planet.

But there is one crazy ass belief that stands out head and shoulders among the rest of their nonsense and that is their fear of a toy. The Ouija board. This game has them scurrying around blessing themselves and driving them to their knees in desperate prayers.

For me, it just makes the game that much more fun. 

It baffles me how someone could place so much credence on a piece of cardboard and a hunk of plastic, but then I think about how they can see a tortured man - beaten, bloody and nailed to a stick, hanging until he died - as a vision depicting love. 

These crazy fuckers actually believe that this toy from Hasbro "opens portals" and "summons demons" and other goofy shit. Is there no end to this superstitious, gullible, credulous, looney tunes, bat shit crazy bullshit? These people are living proof that we have not evolved much from primitive man. The problem lies in the unfortunate fact that these morons can breed, further poisoning their lineage with their insanity. 

You might ask; "well whats the problem with letting them believe what they want?' and I can only answer that one way. 

Because it is destroying the world. I tend to base my beliefs on things factual and the facts are abundantly clear how dangerous religious beliefs can be. Some of history's most infamous believers in God include George Bush and Adolf Hitler (Christian), Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi (Islam) Ariel Sharon and Benjamin Nethanyahu (Judaism)

But dont you dare go feeling left out Atheists, we have Benito Mussolini  and Slobodan Milosevic. 

But having a life, free from the spiritual bondage of religion, I have discovered a thirst for knowledge. REAL things. I have discovered a new found love for education. This is quite different in the life of the believer who only desires to believe Satan communicates to us through rock music and that some toys are actually keys to the gates of hell.

In Bob Dylan's song "With God On Our Side" I think he sums it up quite well.
The confusion I'm feelin'
Ain't no tongue can tell
The words fill my head
And fall to the floor
If God's on our side
He'll stop the next war.
 Feel free to leave your comments below.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Just Gonna Put An Out Of Order Sign Around My Neck And Call It A Day

I'm tired. Not sleepy tired but just need to sit back and relax, thinking about nothing at all.

Mexicans call this time I seek a siesta. My grandfather called it a nap and I'm a HUGE fan of naps. I actually have the time scheduled in my day planner to do this today. That might sound silly to some but its just as important as the meetings I have scheduled this afternoon. Taking time to recharge is vital in peoples lives, especially after turning 50. Its AMAZING how even 15 minutes invigorates the body, mind and soul.

Plus Im a lazy hippie. Napping is what us slackers do best. Thankfully, I dont have to worry about
having a j.o.b. to get in my way. Bosses are so NOT understanding when they used to catch me sleeping in my cubicle.

I realize this is a luxury that most people cant relish because they got caught up somewhere along the way into irking out a meager living and hating their place of employment. Then they go home to a equally miserable spouse because they do the same damn thing so when they see each other, well I wouldn't exactly call it "quality time."

Dont get me wrong, I work quite hard on Intellectual Coitus and being Reverend Zesty, but the difference is that I do what I want, when I want and have no boss to answer to. I made a job for myself and that affords me the freedom and independence to do just that. I cant understand why everyone doesn't do things like that.

A recent poll has revealed that 75% of the workforce HATE their jobs. Imagine that. Waking up every damn day dreading the vast majority of your day. Is it any wonder why people are such miserable, hateful assholes?

It doesn't surprise me one bit.

Seems to me that if you are the least bit different, in view, thoughts, skin color, sexual orientation, where you live or how you live, from another person, you are fuel to this persons hateful flame of indignation. These same people ingrain their hateful, nasty, mean spirit into their kids as well so guess what? Hate becomes their legacy.

So what are MY personal defenses against the hate in the world we occupy? How do I keep a smile on my face and a song in my heart?

Weed and alcohol. Not that Im in a perpetual state of intoxication, I DO practice moderation with my habits, but it helps me remain relatively calm in the face of peoples batshit craziness. THAT works for me.

Check out the offer below and leave your comments.

Give the gift of wine this Mother's Day from WineoftheMonthClub.com!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Things Some People Do With Their Genitals

Primitive people have used scarification and other body modifications to define tribal membership for as long as history records. But genital mutilation allowed our ancestors several additional perks—if you want to call them that.

Infant circumcision serves as a sign of tribal membership in Jews, but circumcision also serves to test the commitment of adult converts. In one Bible story, a chieftain agrees to convert and submit his clan to the procedure as a show of commitment to a peace treaty.

This story didn't end all that well because while the men lie incapacitated with pieces of their dick's cut off, the entire tribe is then wiped out by the Israelites.

In Islam, painful male circumcision serves as a rite of passage into manhood and serves as an initiation into a powerful club. By contrast, in some Muslim cultures cutting away or burning the female clitoris and labia ritually establishes the submission of women by reducing sexual arousal. An estimated 2 million girls annually are subjected to this procedure to this day, with consequences including hemorrhage, infection, painful urination and death.

Remember Marshall Applewhite? He was the crazy ass cult leader that convinced his followers to cut off their sex sabers and drink poison awaiting the arrival of Comet Hale-Bop.

What is it about religion that prompts people to destroy and mutilate their genitalia?

But I really don't blame religion entirely. After all, people have brains, people have choices and unless you have a fucking gun stuck to the side of your head, we have free will. People are destroying their sex parts intentionally. Why?

The answer is way too complex for me to think about right now or to even give a shit. Whenever I try to make sense of nonsense I get all worked up. My blood pressure escalates, my head turns all re and I feel my sphincter pucker.

What fascinates me though is not so much the actual act but the events leading up to it. That's far more interesting. The subtle mind control, Jedi-like in nature. I get the fact that people feel a need to belong to something or somewhere, but if I was involved with ANY organization, church, club, family, temple, abbey, sanctuary or basilica that told me to mangle my meat, I would say ADIOS MUCHACHA and run like I was being chased by the cops.

The closest I ever came was when I was much younger, when sex ruled and occupied every waking moment of my life. I explored fetishism, it seemed to be all the rage. I've seen it in Hustler (who doesn't love Larry Flint) But I was looking more at rubber masks, ball gags, blow up dolls and spiked dildos.

Then I thought maybe a swingers club. That would be fun. All those chicks, going crazy, hungry for my knob but you have to become a member and MY member just didn't "measure up, if you smell what I'm cookin'. So my girlfriend suggested Tantric sex, a blending of sex and spirituality, but you have to practically be a fucking Gumby doll to do it. I slipped a disk in my back trying to blow myself, so that was the end of that.

I didn't like bondage (I have trust issues) and I discovered I didn't enjoy S&M either. Whips and chains, hooks and clamps caused WAY too much pain, I might as well have stuck with another one of my ex girls suggestion and get my dick pierced. (not just a Prince Albert but she wanted me to get an Iron Cross - fucking psycho bitch) and being gay just aint my way (but I DO enjoy their bars)

Turns out I'm just not into self mutilation. I know, I'm a freak right? I must face the fact that perversions are just not my scene so if its all the same to you, I'll just stay home and jerk myself off.

728x90 Make Her Smile Banner

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Tonight's State of the Union

Tonight our illustrious and fearless leader takes the stage to talk about the shape our country is in and oh what a show he has planned for us.

Anyone who is anybody will be in attendance. Congressmen, senators, pages and prostitutes - both democratic and republicans, sitting on opposite sides of the theater of course - all on the edge of their seats, hanging on his every word.

Behind him will be our vice president, "Angry" Joe Biden, and house speaker John “The Crier” Boehner, both probably looking a bit constipated and uninterested.

The democrats on hand will interrupt the president numerous times throughout the night with rousing applause and cheers at his accomplishments this past year, while the republicans sit, arms folded tightly across their bosoms, looking like they are ready to fight at the drop of a hat. Its the show of shows on the grandest stage of them all. It’s the Wrestlemania event of political theater.

And like a true Wrestlemania event, with cameras rolling, the faces and the heels will do their best to appear rueful of the opposing team, with republicans refusing to clap or to give a standing ovation to what has just been puked forth by our President but behind the scenes, once the cameras are turned away, they stroke each other to a messy climax.

Like wrestling, the State of the Union address is very predictable...and phony...so I thought that if you are forced to do your Patriotic duty and watch this shit, you might as well make a game of it.

A DRINKING game - it IS the American way of course.

There are many versions of this game and rules vary, but one thing is certain. By the time Obama walks away from the podium and meanders through the audience shaking hands and kissing babies, your party will be bombed off your asses. Which come to think of it is appropriate with current and past presidential accomplishments.

Here’s how we play at MY house:

First of all, we drink beer. Domestic NOT import (DUH!) Also, in honor of Colorado and other state’s relaxing of marijuana laws, weed is involved. Last year we tried doing bong rips whenever Obama made a karate chop gesture with his hand. This year however that aspect of the game will be changed because he made that move 46 fucking times in his last speech.

Instructions include:

- Taking 1 sip whenever Obama praises another economic power like the European Union or Israel --- Taking 2 sips if Biden doesn't laugh when Speaker John Boehner whispers something to him.

- NEW RULE for 2015 -you must completely drain your glass if Obama says the word “racism”, or mentions Ferguson MO.

- You have to drink for the entire duration of Rep. Nancy Pelosi's hug with Obama,
- Bounce a quarter into a shot glass whenever he says "free education"
- Take a hit of weed for "gas prices."
- If you're a Democrat watching the State of the Union with Republicans, make them drink whenever Obama gets a standing ovation.

To makes things competitive, break of into teams! Give them separate word lists like team A  has to drink whenever Obama says "Congress," "Iran," "health" or "challenge." Team B drinks at the mention of "opportunity," the "future," "work" and the "military."

At least this will make the night interesting and the mess we clean up tomorrow will be of our own doing.

The California Wine Club. A True California Wine Adventure!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Tom Brady's Balls

They were all over the internet today, Story after story about Tom Brady's balls.

This is not in reference to the guts he has shown the entire season, nor is it meant as a commentary about his testiculars. The story dominating the sporting news today was about The New England Patriots being accused of using under inflated footballs in their 45 -7 demolition of The Indianapolis Colts in yesterdays AFC championship game.

I dont think that I can recall a season where there was so many crybaby losers crying some sort of foul after their team lost a playoff game. Not EVER! It all started after the Detroit game against Dallas where The Cowboys came back for a win in the final minutes of the game. Ndamukong Suh who in my opinion is the dirtiest player in the game today - 6' 4" 305 lbs of jacked up crazy - broke down in tears during the post game press conference, furthering his great unsportsmanlike reputation while being an influential role model for the kids.

"We never thought we would lose the game. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...." the big pussy cried. He could barely control his emotions. What a sore loser. Then there was the Detroit fans that whined ENDLESSLY about bad officiating and how the ref's were all against The Lions and other nonsense.


But then again the people of Detroit have a lot to complain about. First and foremost is being from Detroit, the armpit of America.

Then the following week when Dallas was beaten by The Packers in a final minutes play that would have given Dallas the win but was rightly reversed. What was ruled on the field as a 4th down reception to the 1 yard line was show by replay to actually be an incomplete pass and a turnover on downs. Green Bay ball.

And oh how The Cowboy fans wept.

Now Indy is whining about deflated balls???

I think the only deflated balls belong to Colts fans who, despite having (Andrew) Luck on their side, got the snot stomped out of them by a team that outplayed and outclassed them on every side of the ball.

So the stage has been set for Superbowl XLIX pitting The Seattle Seahawks against The New England Patriots. So let the party begin, let the better team win and PLEASE - no matter who wins - take your win as a champion and your loss with dignity. NO excuses. NO tears. NO whining.

Leave your comments below.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Coming Home

I will be hosting the Intellectual Coitus podcast with Blog Talk Radio again. The reason for this is because they offer more bang for the buck and is simple to use. I also have the ability to take calls if I so desire in the future.

My first show on the BTR network will be Thursday at 3PM CST, however you can listen and/or download anytime. Intellectual Coitus on Blog Talk Radio

I am excited about this project and your feedback is greatly appreciated. My email address is revzesty@gmail.com

Also I IMPLORE YOU to sign up for my monthly eZine that debut's with the February issue. 

Friday, January 16, 2015

The Podcast

Here's the current hosting site for the podcast. Looking for a few more but you can hear the show here.

Intellectual Coitus Podcast

I appreciate you're listening. This has been an incredible month and a grand start to a new year. A year that will bring health and prosperity.

Royal Kona Coffee

Thursday, January 15, 2015


Comics like Joe Rogan should be applauded for his vocal stance on marijuana legalization. Weed people have come an awful long way in the last few years and although there are countless pro-marijuana comics, the work done by the activists deserve a pat on the back as well. 

I too am vocal about my marijuana use. To classify pot with heroin and cocaine is ridiculous and typical of this ass backwards government. I not only think it has tremendous medical benefits but I enjoy it in a social setting as well. 

I find that this makes me a criminal upsetting. Those of us who do consume weed - and there are a bunch of us - are all criminals. This includes police officers, judges, firemen, politicians, doctors, lawyers, athlete's, actors, actresses, presidents of corporations, owners of small business, mothers, fathers, grandparents..... ALL CRIMINALS!

Even this guy:
“The illegality of cannabis is outrageous, an impediment to full utilization of a drug which helps produce the serenity and insight, sensitivity and fellowship so desperately needed in this increasingly mad and dangerous world.”
- Carl Sagan
There's not enough jails, or resources to justly keep marijuana as something illegal. Just makes no sense. Not one bit.

It seems that "Vaping" is popular. This is where concentrated marijuana is smoked with a Vaping Pen (as available through the banner above) Tried it and enjoyed it but, for me, there is nothing quite like the smell of goods.

I made this post just because

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

New Show Tomorrow


Thursday already?

Seems like we had one seven days ago...DAMN!

Feel the love!

Free Shipping on all Gift Baskets!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Reverend Zesty On Secular TV

I am pleased to announce the partnership of Reverend Zesty and Secular TV!

In February, Reverend Zesty will be hosting a web based weekly show. At this point the voices in my head are still working up the creatives so STAY TUNED and help us grow.

This has come together wonderfully. The blog, the podcast, the magazine and now a weekly video show. You might ask "why" i'm doing all this. What's in it for me? Well, follow this train of thought...

I have seen some crazy shit on the internet and I have seen people take their projects to a level where it is their job. They figure out a way to make some money with it and start gaining popularity taking their cause or "schtick" to an even HIGHER level.

And if you can follow that, we are on the same page. So come with me. Join me on this journey. When we land - wherever that might be - then you can say "you knew me when..."

But don't fret. Fame and fortune will not change who I am. Sure I might drive a new car and live in a castle and request people call me King BUT I will ALWAYS remember the little guy I step on to get to the top.

The California Wine Club - Give a Gift That Can't be Found in Local Stores!

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Monday, January 12, 2015

The Provenance Project

Intellectual Coitus is the product of my wants. My want to draw attention to myself. My want to vent. My want to be silly. My want to entertain and to make people laugh.

My wants pale in comparison to the wants of some others though. Some people "want" a roof over their heads, a safe place to sleep and the want for a helping hand. Sometimes a helping hand is what is needed to make a difference in peoples lives.

But where does one go for such help? Communities across America have programs and assistance available to those in need. The problem is that these programs are not advertised, promoted or even talked about, so people are being left to their own druthers (whatever the fuck a druther is)

Enter The Provenance Project.

It is my thought that there should be a directory of resources available to give folks that helping hand. From the local level all the way up to federal programs, be it for homeless prevention, medical issues, feeding the hungry or other social programs for the emergency person or debt assistance, personal finances or just personal guidance - there are programs and strategies available that can give people a step up from their current life situations.

I am also developing "The Compass Program" to give people some direction for their lives. Goal setting, budgeting, personal development and one on one mentoring are just some of the things that will be made available.

It doesn't matter what your position currently is. What matters most is your destination. I want to help you reach it. It's been said that to achieve ones goals, dreams and desires, help someone achieve theirs and that is my philosophy for 2015 (and beyond)

Intellectual Coitus and Reverend Zesty will be the way I will gain exposure for these endeavors.

But an undertaking of this magnitude requires some assistance itself. I need YOUR help. What I'm looking for is resources that you know of in your community. I want to publish as many means as I can locate. I also need you to help me promote Intellectual Coitus by telling your friends and family about it. Word of mouth or the 21st century "word of mouse" is a great way to get the exposure I am looking for.

Also, if you can help support the show by buying a t-shirt or any merchandise at my online store it would be greatly appreciated. The couple of bucks I make from the proceeds go a long way.

For more information on The Provenance Project or to send me some resources, my email address is revzesty@gmail.com

My goal is to do my part in helping improve our world, one person at a time.

Sunday, January 11, 2015


I take tragedy - like the shootings last week in Paris for example - and make tasteless jokes. I do this as a way of coping because if I cant find something insane and absurd in a situation that in and of itself is insane and absurd, I would go nuts. Im not just talking fun nuts Im referring to the type of nuts that would turn into a burning hatred for not just the batshit crazy fucking maniacs that perpetrated these violent acts but everyone that resembles them.

It seems that every time you turn around some crazy motherfucker is on some insane rampage of some sort and innocent people die. Some people that were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. So it would be irrational to believe that a certain type of person deserves my hatred, my wrath, my madness, my rage, my displeasure, my indignation, my ire, my resentment or my vengeance. This heinous act was performed by a group of extremists that in the grand scheme of things dont add up to much of nothing. This kind of shit goes on every day by assorted whack-a-loons all over this planet.

And the one common denominator that ties them all together?

Religion. Religion and their preposterous, ridiculous, demented and foolishly crazy religious beliefs.

People fucking died that day - people that got up and started their day as we all have, as we do every day - over a cartoon. Families are devastated and broken. Widows were made that day. Children lost parents. They have bit the big one, taking a long dirt nap, they have cashed in their chips, they bought the farm, their lives have come to a sticky end. They have kicked the bucket and are pushing up daisies. Their number has come up and they have retire to that big comicon in the sky.

All over a fucking cartoon.

All because of their distorted belief in god. This is nothing new though. Religion has been killing people for centuries and its not just the Muslims, all religions have their tales of their mad hatter followers. Even christianity with their charlatan televangelists and kiddie fiddler priests. But as I stated before, these are acts of the extreme.

This is one reason why I became a minister. You see I HAVE studied religion, god and the various worlds religions. They all somewhat give the message of peace and love and thats a good thing right - who can bitch about peace and love? But its the crazier than a shit house rat things that come along with the peace and love message that fuck the whole concept up. Its the Charles Manson shit that gets people to go “wellllllllll, you almost had me for a second.... but this shits just too fucked up, Im outa here”

When the fuck are we going to wake up? IF we were truly put here by some benevolent creator and IF we truly believe we have been made in His holy image then explain to me why we are so fucked up as people? Is god REALLY an insecure, whiney crybaby that throws temper tantrums when he doesnt get his way? Because we are. Have you ever had a religious discussion between faiths? HOLY FUCK if one was to challenge anothers religious beliefs, shit would hit the sanctified fucking fan.

As the nations only practicing agnostic preacher, I find the message from religion to be FAR from being godlike. The archaic man made rituals, the blatant hypocrisy, the judgementalness, the attempted control over one another - a supreme being cannot be satisfied if WE are the result of his work.

Im reminded of a story of a preacher who fell in the ocean and he couldn't swim. When a boat came by, the captain yelled, "Do you need help, sir?" The preacher calmly said "No, God will save me." A little later, another boat came by and a fisherman asked, "Hey, do you need help?" The preacher replied again, "No God will save me." Eventually the preacher drowned & went to heaven. The preacher asked God, "Why didn't you save me?" God replied, "Dumbass, I sent you two fucking boats!"

So someone draws a cartoon that depicts the prophet Muhammed as being a pedophile. So fucking what. He WAS one. Everyone was back then. They were animals and surely not scholars of the time. They were superstitious peasants. Is this a reason to kill a mother fucker?
Kona Coffee

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Intellectual Coitus Magazine

I will be launching a monthly Intellectual Coitus magazine in February 2015.

Perhaps I can piss off some religious group and become famous too.


728x90 Make Her Smile Banner

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The Eve of a New Show

I dont think people realize that I put my heart and soul into making these podcasts. I'm not bitching about it, I'm doing something that I love doing.

Bitching. Making people laugh (hopefully) by making an ass of myself.

The foul mouthed agnostic preacher, Reverend Zesty.

But the reason I do this is to draw attention to what I take serious. The Provenance Project. Pretty weighty undertaking but I want to build a database/directory of nationwide community resources for those in need, generally low income folks looking for a helping hand or maybe some guidance through The Compass Program. A mentorship program to help guide people to a certain life's destination.

To help fund these programs, partial profits from the proceeds of my beginning merchandising efforts will help build this into something magical.

Intellectual Coitus and Reverend Zesty Merchandise

Intellectual Coitus Limited Edition Commemorative T-Shirt

Can you see my dream of where I want to take this? For more details or information on how you can join me in my efforts to change our piece of the world email RevZesty@gmail.com

THANK YOU for listening to the show and your support. Without you guys I would just be talking to myself

Monday, January 5, 2015


The first show was a success with the number of listeners and subscribers still climbing. Thank you for listening and I hope you listen again and give me a chance to win over your hearts.

I will be releasing new shows every Thursday and this weeks show is about half way done with production and it is already cracking me up. Constant and Never Ending Improvement. Thats my work ethic.

I also want to start doing YouTube videos as well. Perhaps in a week or two.

My message is quite simple. I hope to use humor to entertain and my mindset to share in the greatness of life.

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Friday, January 2, 2015

Flu Shots

Have you all had your flu shots yet this year?

I always question the sanity behind this and a recent story out of my town Springfield, MO., kinda backs up my opinion about them.

The story that was on my local news stated that the flu is at epidemic proportions and that ER's are seeing 3 times as many patients complaining of flu symptoms as last year and that over 50% of patients treated have had a flu shot.

I might sound old fashioned here but if I'm going to take preventive medicine for an ailment I DONT WANT TO BE STRICKEN WITH SAID AILMENT! This bit of information tells me that either the flu shots are shit and not effective or that getting the flu shot actually caused patients to get the flu. Either way I would be demanding a refund.

The media is of no help. They are the ones telling people they must get their flu shots and that if you dont you are running the risk of death. People are just eating the shit that is being fed to them. For some reason people apparently have lost the ability to think for themselves.

The government is in on the action too as evidenced by the disgusting video above. When did people start freaking out over getting a case of the sniffles? Personally, I would be fucking embarrassed to go into an emergency room for this, when the guy they brought in by ambulance in the next bay just had a heart attack.

But if you want to get sick, sure as shit, the best place to pick up a bug IS the ER. Oh yeah, I have seen some shit going on in emergency rooms. The people cleaning up after patient discharge are not the standard bearers of cleanliness and they do a lackluster job at best.

So WHY subject yourself to this? Why expose yourself to sickness and disease?

Because you were told to by your favorite friendly media douche bag.

Here's a novel idea for you. Try eating healthier. Americans have the single worst dietary habits and are personally responsible for the condition of their health. I am guilty of this myself. So while you are making resolutions for 2015 add EAT HEALTHY to the list of things you have no intention of doing.

Hold yourself accountable

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Intellectual Coitus Debut Episode!

When people donate to religious groups, it's tax-deductible. Churches don't pay property taxes on their land or buildings. When they buy stuff, they don't pay sales taxes. When they sell stuff at a profit, they don't pay capital gains tax. If they spend less than they take in, they don't pay corporate income taxes. Priests, ministers, rabbis and the like get "parsonage exemptions" that let them deduct mortgage payments, rent and other living expenses when they're doing their income taxes. So why the fuck wouldn't you want to become a minister?
- Reverend Zesty

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